Jiu-Jitsu for life.

Own your Journey. Train Smarter. Improve Day by Day.

Stuck in side control? Guard always passed? Can't finish submissions? Not progressing? 

Here is the only library you'll need to make it, no matter what colour your belt is.

Access a full library of videos from highly experienced and relatable coaches, hand-picked to progress your learning and build a solid foundation for your Jiu-Jitsu journey.

We want you to do Jiu-Jitsu for life. 

Nothing flashy, just the stuff that works!

Explore BJJ Foundations Videos

​​Enjoy premium content designed specifically to progress your BJJ Journey with a focus on the fundamentals to set you up for life.

We focus on supporting you in the 8 Foundations. Awareness, Survival, Escapes, Control, The Guard, Guard Passing, Submissions and Standing.

Here is a small sample of the content you will enjoy from our hand-picked coaches.

Mount Deep Dive

with Chris Burns

Passing the Guard

with Sean Applegate

Side Control Escapes

with Charles Negromonte

Scissor Sweep Basics

with Tum Energia

Water Stone Way 1

with Chris Burns

FREE White Belt Kickstarter

We surveyed over 2,000 Jiu-Jitsu Students about their game. Our Super-coaches cover the 5 things they struggle with the most. Escaping Side Control, Maintaining Mount, Guard Passing, Sweeps and the Armbar.

Get started for free today.

Only $27/month. We know you'll love it!

Credit card required, cancel any time.

Start your Journey

Take control of your Journey

Our BJJ Journey Score gives you a way to understand the journey you are on and focus in on areas which you need help.

It creates a journey map by providing an honest view of where you are and lets you track your progress over time.

Ever felt stuck? This will unstick you! Best of all it’s Free.

The BJJ Journey Foundations

Subscribe now and start watching all the content you need to support your BJJ Journey focused on the 7 Foundations.


You will learn from the best. Not only do they have expert knowledge, they know how to teach and communicate in a way you understand.


We focus on content that will build your knowledge from the ground up and patch any holes you may have left on the way.


We are adding coaches and they are adding content weekly. We want quality over quantity so you don't get bogged down finding what you need.


Subscribe to the Fundamentals or enjoy exploring the Rabbit Hole. It's all available 24/7. 

If you prefer, pay 1 off for specific collections

The Rabbit Hole

Ready to build on your solid Foundations? Follow the rabbit down the rabbit hole with advanced techniques from our Supercoaches.

WARNING: Not recommended for White Belts!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the BJJ Journey Foundations and The Rabbit Hole?

Most of our content is designed to support the 8 foundations of BJJ. Awareness, Survival, Escapes, Control,  The Guard, Guard Passing, Submissions and Standing. The BJJ Journey Foundations have all teh content you need to understand and progress in these areas on your BJJ Journey with a growing library. The Rabbit hole adds another 30% of content focused on more advanced techniques that build on these foundations. 

Why are some videos locked?

This means your subscription level does not have access to these and you'll need to upgrade to see these videos. 

Can I cancel any time?

Absolutely! If you cancel your subscription, your membership will remain active to the end of your paid period.

Where can I get help?

email us at info@thebjjproject.com and we will respond